Sibling Discount Application
Email Address
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Please input code and click on Verify button below.
Resend Code
* Applicant Information
Parent / Guardian 1
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Parent / Guardian 2
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Mobile Number
Residential Address
* Family Information
Please list all children who will be applying for the sibling discount:
Note: If your child's student ID is not yet available, please create one via our enrolment booking site [
Click here
Sibling 1
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Student ID
School Grade
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Date of Birth
Sibling 2
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Student ID
School Grade
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Date of Birth
Add (Click to add more siblings)
* Conditions of Family (Sibling) Discounts:
Please read and understand the following conditions before submitting this application:
To qualify for the family (sibling) discount, the following conditions must be met:
Parents must apply and get approval for the family (sibling) discount before the Early Bird payment deadline date set by the College.
The family (sibling) discount applies to immediate family members only who live at the same address.
The family (sibling) discount cannot be combined with any other discounts. Choosing the Sibling Discount excludes other discounts.
The discount is valid for regular-term EM, EMG, WEMG, WEMT, 6+ and two or more high school courses taken in the same term at the same branch.
All students must enrol together by the Early Bird payment deadline date for the same term and at the same branch.
Cancellations after using the sibling discount are not eligible for refunds or credits.
Separate payments required: You cannot pay for all siblings' fees in a single transaction. Individual payments must be made for each sibling.
All other general terms and conditions are subject to Pre-Uni New College's discount policy and may change without notice.
Sibling Discount Rate
Discount Amount
Child 1
Early Bird Discount
Child 2
Early Bird +
Child 3
Early Bird +
Child 4
Early Bird +
Child 5
Early Bird +
By submitting this application, I confirm my understanding of the above conditions.
Parent / Guardian Signature
Please sign below
Submit Application